Flawed and Free

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Let's Talk About Sex

Sex is a gift from God. Sex is not bad and sex is not evil. Got it? Okay, I’ll say it again, sex is not evil. I’ll say it one last time, Sex is NOT evil. Got it? Good. 

Now, let’s talk about this… God does not forbid sex because He created it. But when sex is perverted, this is what God calls sin. When sex happens outside of the reason God created it to happen in, this is what God hates. He hates the perversion of sex not the act of sex. 

God created sex as a way for you to: partner with Him in the spiritual realm to bring life into the physical world through the union of marriage; and communicate with your spouse on a deeper spiritual level. 

So, anytime sex is done outside of the union of marriage and for the sole purpose of getting pleasure (feeling good), you are using God’s creative and binding power to fulfill an appetite. This is why God continuously encourages you to deny your flesh and to have self-control. God wants you to be able to control your appetites, including your sexual appetites, for the purpose of building your spiritual life in relationship with Him. So, when you have sex outside of its originally created purpose, you rebel against God (knowingly or unknowingly), and you open yourself up to demonic spirits that begin to oppress you from the spirit realm. This is why if you have sex outside of a marriage relationship, you can find yourself feeling tormented in your mind because God’s creation (sex) is now being used by the enemy to oppress your mind and attack your life spiritually.  

But be encouraged, there is hope. If you are having trouble controlling your sexual appetites then know that God has given you the fruit of self-control and the ability to choose self-control. Galatians 5:22 states that “but the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law” (KJV, emphasis added). This means that God has given you the power and ability to “control your own behavior…”1. 

Now, does this mean that you should suppress your desires or your appetite? No. Understand that controlling your sexual appetite does not mean you should suppress it. Instead, it is an opportunity to partner with God and allow Him to help you transform these appetites and desires into opportunities that will satisfy your spirit instead of your body. How? Partner with the Holy Spirit and ask Him to help you understand sex, the reason sex was created, and how He created your body to relate to sex. He will confirm all the information He shares with you in His word (the Holy Bible).    

P.S. This blog post is directed towards people in their single season. But for those of you who are married, know that you can still partner with the Holy Spirit and ask Him to help understand sex on a deeper level as well as ask Him what He’d like you to learn from this blog post.

For more strategic spiritual warfare advice on winning in spiritual warfare (part 1), receiving deliverance from spirit spouses, winning in spiritual warfare (part 2), understanding sex, celibacy and christianity and breaking soul ties then be sure to check out some of the other episodes on the Flawed & Free podcast!


1 Definition of Temperance

Control your own behavior such as not drinking or eating too much 

(Cambridge Dictionary, s.v. “Temperance”, https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/temperance); 

The virtue of one who masters his desires and passions, especially his sensual appetites

(Thayers’ Greek Lexicon, s.v. “egkrateia”, https://biblehub.com/greek/1466.htm)