Flawed and Free

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What is Fasting?

I’m sure you’ve heard of fasting, or maybe you’ve tried to fast yourself. Listennn, fasting is not about avoiding food or certain foods. If you do this then what you are doing is dieting, not fasting. Fasting is about strengthening and feeding your spirit while weakening your flesh. It is a time to rejuvenate and partner with the Holy Spirit on an even deeper level.

So, what is fasting? Fasting is a time for the Holy Spirit to restore your spirit. Restoration is very important in your walk with God. It is about returning back to your Lord Jesus Christ to receive what you need from him in order to live a prosperous and fulfilled life on earth. And as the Holy Spirit restores you, he also rejuvenates you. So, when you fast, you weaken your flesh by cutting out all distractions (e.g. tv, social media, etc.) and turning down your plate; and you strengthen and feed your spirit by partnering with the Holy Spirit, reading the Holy Bible, listening to different teachings or sermons, praying, and spending time in worship. 

The most important part of fasting is Partnering with the Holy Spirit. This is the difference between fasting and dieting. When you diet, you restrict (usually meals, foods, etc.) but when you fast you partner and supplement. By fasting, people are able to partner with the Holy Spirit to supplement their physical meals for spiritual food and time with God. This is how you feed your spirit. 

For more guidance on fasting, effective prayer and spiritual law then be sure to check out the e-courses that were taught in the Freedom Fight Academy. They break into detail the different ways to fast, pray effectively and help in understanding spiritual law. 


1 Definition of Restoration

The action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition

(Oxford Languages, s.v. “Restoration”)