Flawed and Free

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What is Perversion?

Everything God creates is good. This means that since you are God’s creation, you are automatically good. Let’s quickly go through a brief list of things that God has made: 

  • Music is good;

  • Writing is good; 

  • Food is good;

  • Drawing is good; 

  • Singing is good; 

  • Sex is good

  • Marriage is good; 

  • Family is good; 

  • Money is good; 

  • Pregnancy is good; 

  • Birth is good; 

  • Fashion is good;

  • Your Body is good; 

  • Your Hair is good; 

  • Your Face is good; 

  • Your Height is good; 

  • and YOU ARE GOOD. 

All these things are good because God created them. The problem happens when you use the things that God created in a way that they were not created to be used for. This is what the Holy Bible (aka the bible) calls perversion. 

Perversion means “to change (something good) so that it is no longer what it was or should be”1. So, when we use the things that God creates outside of their created purpose, this is demonic. This means that we are now allowing a different spirit (not the Holy Spirit) to influence how we use and experience the things God creates. Unfortunately, the more we allow this demonic influence by continuing with these patterns, habits or behaviors the more these demonic spirits can start to access the areas of your life that are being perverted. Unfortunately, this can lead to you being oppressed spiritually; and physically this can manifest itself in different ways like experiencing fear or avoiding God (and the things He created). This usually leads to strongholds, ideas and beliefs that God never intended for you to have.

This is why getting to know God for yourself (outside of the church building) is important. God created everything. So, for you to know how to properly use and experience God's creations, you have to know and understand why He created them. This is where the Holy Spirit comes in. One of His roles is to be your teacher. If you spend time reading the bible with the Holy Spirit, He will teach about things you do not understand and He will help you learn how to build your life so that it aligns with this. 

For more strategic spiritual warfare advice on learning how to break cycles of emotional eating habits, build a successful faith based business, and building a business God’s way in obedience then be sure to check out some of the other episodes on the Flawed & Free podcast!


1 Definition of Perversion

to change (something good) so that it is no longer what it was or should be; or 

to cause (a person or a person's mind) to become immoral or not normal

(Britannica Dictionary, s.v. “Britannica”, https://www.britannica.com/dictionary/pervert)