Flawed and Free

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Who is the Holy Spirit?

God made a promise to us in Deuteronomy 31:6. He promised to never leave or forsake us, and God has fulfilled this promise. He is still with us today. This is true and possible because before Jesus left the earth, he told us that he would be sending us a helper (John 14:16-18). The helper Jesus spoke of is the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is the very presence of God. When you make a decision to live for God and to do life with him, at the very moment you do this, the Holy Spirit comes and lives inside of you. As you continue to live life, the Holy Spirit will begin to lead and guide you on the different situations, decisions and circumstances that come up as you grow and live life with him. It is through the Holy Spirit that you learn how to live the life God called you to live and to build His church.

There are many dimensions to the character, personality and power of the Holy Spirit. You can learn about these dimensions because he wants to teach you about them. Just as you get to know someone by going on dates or having honest conversations, you can start to learn about who the Holy Spirit is in the same way. You can spend time with him and make yourself available to him in prayer. Talk to the Holy Spirit.

The more you spend time and make yourself available to the Holy Spirit, the more you will start to see the manifestations of Jesus Christ in your life through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.

Remember, the Holy Spirit is the very presence of God and he wants to reveal himself to you. If you want to get to know the Holy Spirit then ask him to reveal himself to you. God will never withhold anything good from you. So, ask the Holy Spirit to tell you about himself and everything he shares will be in alignment with his word. By doing this, you are developing a relationship with him. 

For more spiritual guidance on getting to know the Holy Spirit, being a Kingdom influencer, trusting God, taking the road to restoration and finding your purpose then be sure to check out the Flawed & Free podcast!