Flawed and Free

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Listen, if the enemy has been taking your money, playing with your mind, emotions, and more - it is time to take them back. Don’t wait to be rescued while you watch the enemy rob you blind. Take the full authority and power that Jesus gives you in Luke 10:19 over the enemy and take back what is yours! If you were in your house and robbers came into your house to steal from you, would you just sit there hoping the police would come? Of course not! You would immediately call the police because the robbers are trying to take YOUR STUFF. You need to have the same mindset when it comes to the enemy taking things from you. I don’t know about you but imma fight the devil for my stuff, you hear me? 

When was the last time you dialed the hotline to Heaven to report a robbery or even a murder to purpose? CALL HEAVEN DOWN NOW! Don’t wait! Do not wait! TAKE ACTION IMMEDIATELY and move. This is YOUR stuff as given to you by God, don’t you think that God cares about the stuff he gave you? 

It is time to contend for your promises and take them back by force in the spirit realm. It doesn’t matter how small the situation seems. Whatever the situation is, it is only a reflection of something that has taken place in the spirit realm… in the unseen realm. So, call heaven down, and ask God to release the heavenly angels to fight for you. But do not walk in ignorance waiting on God when God is waiting on you to call on him. Use your power to drive out the enemy and to push back against the resistance that the enemy is putting in your life. Fight now! Pray now! In Jesus’ name!

If you’ve been feeling like you’re losing your mind, your life is chaotic or you feel like money is always disappearing then the enemy might be touching or taking your stuff. So, partner in prayer with the Holy Spirit, He will and wants to help you get your stuff back. To learn more about taking your stuff back by force, and contending for your promises then be sure to subscribe to our podcast and listen to these episodes.


1 Definition of Force

To drive out or propel against resistance 

(Dictionary.com, s.v. “Force”, https://www.dictionary.com/browse/force); 

Power or violence used on a person or thing 

(Merriam Webster Dictionary, s.v. “Force”, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/force)