

Interpreting Dreams With The King: 21-Day Devotional & Guided Dream Journal

Many people are unaware of the spiritual warfare that is taking place in their dream. Some think it’s normal not to remember dreams or believe they don’t have a gift of interpreting dreams. That belief is simply not true. God desires each of His children to attain this gift as a way to communicate with Him. There is a correlation between your dreams and what is happening in your physical world. This guided journal aims to help you recognize and plan your way through the spiritual attacks in your dream life.

I've Been Delivered, Now What?: A 7 Step Guide To Secure & Maintain Your Freedom

Everyone needs a post-deliverance toolkit!

Discover how to use the tools God has given you with this quick and easy 7-step guided eBook. Deliverance is the children's bread, and we know that according to John 8:36, “If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed". However, in Matthew 12:43-45, Jesus warns His followers against being a house that is found swept empty and void of the Holy Spirit, whose function is to produce spiritual growth.