Kingdom Marriage: Waiting

How do you stand strong when the wait has been so long? If you are a woman or man of God who is waiting on their marriage promise to come into fulfillment, then let’s have a quick conversation. 

Have you found yourself growing weary while waiting on your kingdom spouse? Do you feel as though God has forgotten his promise to you? Listen, I know it is not easy. It is not easy at all. But you’ve got this. You are not alone in this. I know it feels like there is a battlefield in your mind that is constantly trying to bog you down and make you think that your waiting is in vain. But this is not true. 

Understand that the adversary, satan, is working against you to make you think that your promise will never come to pass. But this is false. It is a lie. God made you a promise and he plans on keeping it. God is a person you can count on God because he is a promise keeper and a covenant keeper. 

So, while you are waiting for God to fulfill his promise, continue earnestly seeking and serving him. Ask God how you can make the best use of this season. Remember, the waiting season is designed to prepare us for what is coming. So, as you wait, always maintain a posture of servitude and patience. 

For more strategic spiritual warfare advice on waiting on your kingdom marriage, learning how to operate as a glory carrier, exposing witchcraft in the Church, and breaking cycles of emotional eating habits then be sure to check out some of the other episodes on the Flawed & Free podcast!