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Under God's Armour - The Importance Of Spiritual Clothing

What Is The Importance of Spiritual Clothing: 

Spiritual clothing is important to God according to His Word. We are spirits in a human body, just as our body has skin to protect it from external bacteria, extreme temperature, etc., our spirit also has clothing that the Lord gives us and puts on us to protect us from external destruction and wiles of the enemy. When spiritual clothing is on consistently, it ultimately protects the gifts, anointings, and purposes that God has put on the inside of each one of us. 

The Armor of God Explained: 

When we submit and yield to God, we can then receive and have the necessary tools to put on the whole armor of God. When a person decides to put on the whole armor of God, they are making a statement to the enemy that they are not going to fall for his schemes nor be destroyed by his destructive plans. The armor of God allows us as believers to stand and stand firm in the foundation of Christ and the paths of righteousness.  

 Why Is The Spiritual Belt Important? Loins Girt About With Truth. 

When you know the truth through the word of God and by walking with the Holy Spirit, Satan can never destroy you or turn you off course with lies. Jesus IS the way, the truth, and the life. Jesus is also the living word. So when our loins are girt about with truth, we are essentially holding up the rest of the armour so that it does not fall. Without the belt everything else falls away. 

How Do You Put On The Breastplate Of Righteousness?

To be righteous means to be upright and live morally. A breastplate essentially keeps every weapon or bullet from being able to penetrate your body to cause harm/death. So when a believer lives righteously this breastplate keeps them from dying or being wounded in spite of the enemies' attempts. 

What Is The Meaning Of The Gospel Of Peace?

The gospel of peace literally means the good news of peace. The gospel of Jesus always brings peace, so anytime a believer walks around and spreads the gospel they are essentially spreading peace. Have your feet fitted with the gospel of peace means that the believer is 1. Firm in what the gospel is and firm in their beliefs of the gospel of Christ 2. The believer understands the importance of their lives being their FIRST ministry. We are living testimonies to the glory and goodness of Jesus. When we share our testimony, we are giving others the chance to experience this peace as well. The gospel should always be a part of us and fitted on us, so that at any moment we are eager and ready to share it. 

Shielding Yourself With Faith: 

Hebrews 11 speaks about what faith is. When a believer holds on to faith in God, the enemy may be able to send arrows, but they will not be able to prosper. The shield of faith keeps arrows from even coming close to the rest of the body. So if a believer has faith and points the shield of faith in the right direction the arrow wouldn’t even make its way to the breastplate and that is the goal - that our faith be so strong the arrows of the enemy can’t even make it PAST the shield. 

What Is The Helmet Of Salvation?  

A helmet protects the head so that the rest of the body can also be protected. The believer is first attacked in their mind and dream life. When the believer has a firm foundation and understanding of who their savior is and genuinely builds a relationship with him those thoughts are easily cast down, according to 2 Corinthians 10:5. Salvation is the entry point to receiving the totality of the kingdom. No wonder why Satan tries to attack our mind and belief in God. 

How To Sharpen Your Sword In The Spirit: 

The sword of the spirit IS the word of God. The word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword, according to Hebrews 4:12. The more you meditate on the word of God, the sharper your sword in the spirit becomes. Continue to sharpen your sword and read the word - allow it not to become just head knowledge but also heart knowledge. 

The Benefits Of Praying In The Spirit:

Being filled by the Holy Spirit and receiving your prayer language is important for your growth as a believer. Most times, we don’t know what we ought to pray for but the Holy Spirit gives us utterance if we allow him to speak and pray through us, according to Romans 8:26. Building up your prayer life is key to keeping the enemy away and contending for the promises of God in your life. 

Read and Study Ephesians 6:10-18 for yourself.

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