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flawed and free podcast episode 100, 3 keys to be found and crowned by your kingdom spouse

Episode 100: 3 Keys To Be Found & crowned by your kingdom spouse

In this 100th episode LaTyna Johnson shares her journey about waiting for her Kingdom spouse and the process of walking through the three keys to becoming found and crowned. Hear more about these three steps of purging, purification, and purity and discern which stage you are in.

flawed and free podcast episode 85, psalms 91 prayer of protection

Episode 85: Psalms 91 prayer of protection

Hear the most listened to episode of Flawed and Free Podcast history, with over 10,000+ listens. Psalm 91 is a popular bible verse, but often times not completely broken down or taught in a way that renders great results as it pertains to spiritual warfare. Learn how to utilize this verse as you embark in spiritual warfare.

flawed and free podcast episode 49, contend for the promises of god


Contend is a powerful word of warfare and you will learn in this episode how to utilize this strong word to defeat the plans of the enemy. We must contend for the promises of God. Click the button below to listen to this episode and learn how to cover and protect the word of God released to you.


What the Community is Saying:

Awesome awesome awesome very informative! I always look forward to the show because I learn so much and I am sooo encouraged!
— Podcast Listener
This podcast has helped me tremendously! Tyna is always speaking truth and helps me understand more about spiritual warfare. No coincidence that I came upon flawed and free podcast
— Podcast Listener