7 Prayer Points To Maintain Your Deliverance

Being delivered and set free is one thing, but maintaining your deliverance takes continued prayer and partnership with Holy Spirit.

Here are 7 prayer points to help you maintain your deliverance and stay close to God. 

the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,
— Ephesians 1:18
  1. Pray that the eyes of your understanding be enlightened so that you see all things from God’s perspective. Often after deliverance, Satan will try to shut your eyes to his reentrance attempts, while also shutting your eyes to things the Lord still wants to bring to the surface for complete inner healing and restoration. Ask for the Lord’s protection over your spiritual eyes.

  2. Pray for wisdom as you walk out this journey. You will need the wisdom to discern what is normal and what is abnormal in the Kingdom of God. Before deliverance - the line between normal and abnormal was skewed, as God and Satan both had a place in your life. Now that God has taken full reigns it is important to learn how to think, speak, and hear God normally and learn what is normal to HIM.

  3. Pray for focus as you embark on the things of God, now that you are set free. Bind the enemies' attempts to distract you or cause you to become idle, lazy, or weary in the process. As children of God we don’t want to just see the promise, but live IN the promise.

  4. Pray that you commit and continue in your faith walk with Christ. After deliverance, the enemy almost always tries to convince the believer that he/she wasn’t delivered or that it will be easy for him to come back to what once was his house. However, as long as the believer commits their life daily to Christ through faith, and does the work necessary to be whole and healed internally, the devil will have no way of finding reentrance.

  5. Pray that you keep the full armor of God on daily. On the last point, we discussed faith and its importance. In Ephesians 6:10-18, we are told that the shield of faith extinguishes ALL flaming arrows of the evil one. We are also reminded that we should stand firm with the belt of truth buckled around our waist, have the breastplate of righteousness in place, and our feet fitted with the gospel of peace. Along with these we should put on the helmet of salvation, and pick up the sword of the spirit which is the word of God. Last, but not least, we should pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.

  6. Pray that you stay watchful and that your prayer life increases. The first thing satan will try to steal is your prayer life and we know from the last point that praying in the spirit is important and a part of keeping your FULL armor of God on. Oftentimes, we don’t know what we ought to pray for, according to Romans 8:26, however, the Holy Spirit does. Therefore, we must give him room to pray and to pray without ceasing. Bind every attempt of the enemy that would try to cause you to become prayerless or idle in prayer.

  7. Pray that you will live a holy and righteous life before God and resist the devil at all costs. Before receiving full deliverance it’s important to choose to live a consecrated and holy life before God. As you maintain, it’s essential that you continue in this lifestyle. Going from glory to glory with God is committing to becoming holy and holier before God. When you live a holy life it is easier and not a burden to resist the devil, however, when you give way to sin resisting the devil becomes more and more difficult.

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