Becoming an Entrepreneur God’s Way

So, you know God wants you to start a business, but do you know where to start? 

When starting and running a business God’s way, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. God wants to run HIS business through you (remember, He gave you the idea)

  2. God already has the strategy and plan for your business

  3. God wants to transform and impact both you and others through His business

  4. The work won’t be easy, but God will give you a sense of ease and peace

Doing business God’s way means yielding to His direction and leadership. So, for example, when God suggests a launch day that is different from the one you have in mind, yield to Him. This can look like making time to have a business meeting with God to get clarity on an area, or this can be as simple as agreeing to the launch day He suggested and making the necessary adjustments.

You might have a plan A, plan B, and a plan C, but if you do not involve God in your business operations, you can end up making decisions based on your own wisdom and understanding. But if God gave you the idea and plan for the business, understand that He will lead you daily on how to run the business, and on what products or services to launch. 

Now. . . There Are Two Keys That Will Help You Unlock God’s Best For Your Business.


Starting a business.. Or anything can feel scary at first. But if God is asking you to start, then that means that there are lives that He wants you to impact. So, say Yes to God. His track record is unmatched and He will lead you, if you let Him

Remember, you always have a choice. 


Don’t rely on your own abilities, strength or knowledge. I’m not saying ignore the skill or abilities you have. Instead, focus on being open to learning from the Holy Spirit. Allow the Holy Spirit to teach you and lead you to the resources He wants you to learn from. Remember, you might have knowledge or information in an area, but God knows a lot more than you do in ALL areas. So, be open to learning for Him. 

With these two keys, you’ll start to see and experience God’s best for your business! 

But if you need more strategic spiritual warfare advice on hearing from God, being an entrepreneur God’s way or understanding how to be an influencer for God’s Kingdom then be sure to check out our podcast!