10 Things You Should Not Be Doing In Your Dreams


Have you ever had a dream and woke up wondering, “What was that about? Was that from God, the enemy, or because of some spicy food I ate for dinner?” Some people ignore their dream life and say “Oh it was just a dream….” But I’m here to tell you my friend, dreams are never “just dreams” and you most certainly should not ignore them. 

So, to equip you and help you start taking your dream life back, here are 10 things that should not be happening in your dreams:

List Of 10 Things You Should Not Be Doing In Your Dreams:

1. Having Sex

  • When you have sex in your dreams, what is happening is that a demonic spirit (aka a demon) is disguising itself as your spouse, your partner or a person you desire so that it can have sex with you. 

When this spirit is having sex with you, what happens is that you are making a covenant with that demonic spirit and this grants this spirit access to you and your generational bloodline. When it has access to you and your generational bloodline, then it has permission to spiritually oppress you and cause difficulty in your life spiritually.

2. Being A Passenger In A Car That You’re Not Driving

  • When you dream that you’re in a car that you’re not driving, this means that you are not in control and that someone else is in control of your vehicle. This is NOT good. It is not you in control and it is not the Holy Spirit, it is usually satan and his demons. 

HOWEVER, the context of the dream will be important to determining whether the dream is from satan or from God. So continue to seek the Holy Spirit about your dream, and if you need additional help with this then grab the guided dream journal to help you interpret your dreams.

3. Speaking With Someone Who Has Passed Away

  • This is usually a sign that there’s some communication and/or access that the satan is trying to get or maintain in your life. So, demons will disguise themselves as someone who passed away to get or maintain this communication and access to you. 

4. Eating Food OR Being Fed Food

  • This is never good. The enemy uses this as a form of witchcraft to put things in your body to affect your health and your life. So, when you eat or are fed in your dreams, this is the enemy trying to give you something that gives him permission or access to your health or life. 

5. Visiting Your Childhood Home

  • This can be a caution from God (especially if it is repeated often) for you to address things from your childhood. BUT MOST OF THE TIME, it is a sign of a generational assignment from the enemy of your life. But again! Context matters! 

  • So as always, seek the Holy Spirit for the understanding and interpretation about your dreams and if you want to speak with me (Tyna) about your dreams then you can book a consultation with me. BUT my one rule is you MUST sit with the Holy Spirit first BEFORE you book a consultation with me.

6. Getting Married

  • This is usually a demonic spirit trying to marry you and make a covenant with you. This spirit is commonly a spirit spouse. However, as always, take all your dreams to the Holy Spirit for clearer understanding and interpretation.

7. Falling 

  • This can signify that there is a loss of control in your life and you are not able to be stable and grounded in some area of your life.

8. Being Bitten OR Chased By An Animal (Or Even a Person)

  • These are demonic spirits and animalistic/beast like spirits that are being used to gain some sort of access to you in your life. 

When they bite you, this means that something has been transferred to you and spiritually injected into your life to destroy you. This is serious, so when you wake up, IMMEDIATELY reject, renounce and rebuke the dream, AND then ask the Holy Spirit to extract and remove what have been injected 

*NOTE: This also applies to dreams when you’ve been shot in your dreams—you have to reject the dream and ask the Holy Spirit to extract & remove the bullet.

9. Being Robbed

  • This usually means that the enemy is trying to steal God’s blessings from your life (e.g. finances). But again, CONTEXT is important to help you understand what the enemy is specifically targeting in your life. So seek the Holy Spirit for clarity.

10. Having Your Personal Belongings Stolen From You

  • Your personal belongings (e.g. your wallet, phone, driver’s license, etc.) usually symbolize something about your identity personally. So, if they are being stolen then the satan is trying to take these things from you to use against you.

If you have more questions about dreams, then check out this LIVE Q&A when I (Tyna) answered some of YOUR questions about dreams:

Now, some of you may say “I don’t dream”. Well, the truth is you do dream. But did you know that satan can steal and block your dreams? The reason he does this is because your dreams are one of the ways the Lord imparts, reveals, and communicates to you the plans for your life. So, if satan is blocking or stealing your dreams, then TAKE BACK your dream life today and FIGHT BACK.  

So, if you experience ANY of the 10 things we’ve talked about in your dreams then you MUST REBUKE, REJECT and REVERSE it IMMEDIATELY upon awakening out of your dream, AND enter into prayers of spiritual warfare AGAINST the plans of the enemy in your life. 

Never forget that time is TICKING from the moment that the “seed is planted” and/or revealed to you in your dreams. So the moment you wake up, you must RESPOND with urgency. Your life or someone else’s may depend on it. Remember to ALWAYS seek the Holy Spirit for all things including your dreams.

If this blog helped you, use the Hashtag ‘#MORETHANJUSTADREAM’, Tag @theflawedandfree on instagram or tiktok and Tell Us YOUR biggest takeaway! 

Need more strategic spiritual warfare advice on understanding dreams? Be sure to: check out the podcast to learn how to Get YOUR Dream Life Back and get help interpreting your dreams with the Guided Dream Journal!