Build Intimacy with God: How to keep a dream journal
Knowing God and Building a Relationship with Him
Building a personal relationship with God and knowing the deeper revelations of who He is, only comes through spending daily and quality time with Him. Just like any other relationship - this quality time must consist of honesty, transparency, and understanding. Some find it more difficult to be completely honest and transparent when just using words, sometimes writing thoughts down is easier to convey the fullness of revelation. This is why journaling to Jesus is a popular tool among Christian believers.
Building Intimacy With God Through Journaling
Research has found that journaling helps build transparency and openness with our thoughts, feelings, and experiences. In the Kingdom, many use journaling as a way to build intimacy with the Father due to these many benefits. While it can be tempting to journal only about our day-to-day affairs and what we would like God to do for US, using a journal as a tool to access the heart of the Father and what HE would like to see come to pass in our lives holds great benefits. Dream Journaling is an avenue in which this practice comes naturally.
Dream Journaling the Biblical Way
Dream journaling is the act of recording our dreams and allowing the Holy Spirit to interpret them. In Habakkuk 2:2-3, we see that God tells the prophet to do exactly this. God doesn’t want us to be in limbo or completely surprised by what’s to come, he wants us to understand and prepare with Him as His perfect plan unfolds. He often uses our dreams to expose these plans.
Why Should You Dream Journal?
Dreams are how God communicates to his children and also how the enemy tries to secure demonic openings into our lives. When we dream, it is ALWAYS #morethanjustadream!
According to the National Library of Medicine, did you know that we spend ⅓ of our lives sleeping? However, most assume that this fraction of our life is insignificant - at least as far as dreams go. This lie has circulated for too long and in these end times it is time for all of Satan’s lies to be exposed. Have you ever had a dream and it felt more real than it should've? Or had a dream that later manifested in the natural? This is because all things must FIRST be exposed in the Spirit before they can be manifested onto the Earth. The spiritual realm often uses our dreams as a means to expose, it is however up to us to pay attention. To give more context, here are a few examples of common dreams that people have and what they mean as far as natural life is concerned.
Having sex in your dream.
Demons commonly disguise themselves as familiar spirits. Although the person may seem familiar in the natural, it is a demon who is actually partaking in the intercourse via your dream life. However, this familiar spirit is not just engaging in sex with you, but its ultimate goal is to create a demonic soul tie and destroy all Godly soul ties in your life. How is this possible? Somewhere in your life or bloodline, there is a demonic open door due to sin that needs to be shut through deliverance. How can dream journaling help? You can begin to acknowledge these types of dreams and bring them to the Father. He will be able to give your more context and a strategy to help stop these dreams once and for all.
In a car that you are not driving.
This is another common dream that often means the Holy Spirit does not have control of your life in one or multiple areas. In turn, a demonic spirit is in control of that area. When properly stewarding this dream through journaling, you can begin to sit with God and ask him the details of who the demon is, what they have control of, and what you can do to come out of agreement with Satan and into full agreement with Christ within that specific area.
Eating Something or Being Fed.
If this is happening in your dreams, it is never good and is a form of witchcraft. When you are being fed the demon is trying to put something inside of your body to cause destruction. Eating the food allows the enemy access into your life for this destruction to come to fruition. In writing this dream down and taking it to the Father, He can give further revelation and context to begin partnering with him in shutting this demonic open door in your life.
What does it mean when I don’t dream?
You may say I don’t have any of these problems because I never dream or I always forget my dreams. Well did you know there are demons assigned to catching and stealing your dream life so that you are not able to discern what the enemy is doing in your dream life? There are demons assigned to try their hardest in blocking your dreams so that you do not get the revelations that God is trying to reveal. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you put a strategy together to fight against dream blocking and catching. Read the word of God to gain more clarity and context of dreams and their significance. Here are a few scriptures to study. These scriptures teach us that our dreams truly belong to the Lord and that He desires for them to be only used for His good. Christian Dream Journaling allows us to steward our dreams and take back authority that the enemy has tried to take for himself.
Daniel 1:17
Daniel was able to interpret dreams and had a revelatory understanding of them through the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Genesis 40:8
Joseph also, could interpret dreams by the Spirit of God. God is saying in this generation, “Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me your dreams.”
Genesis 42:9
Dreams give spiritual warnings as to what is happening in the natural or what is about to take place. Paying attention allows you to be like Joseph, where you can recollect your dreams, expose them, and stop Satan from succeeding in His plots, plans, and schemes.
Matthew 1:20-23
The Lord confirms his plans in dreams. We must fight for our dreams because they bring us great help and access to God. Satan does NOT want us to steward our dreams well. His goal is to keep many bound in this area.
Tips, Advice, and Examples on how to keep a dream journal
Writing down a dream and calling it a day is pretty simple for most. However, without knowing the knowledge of WHICH dreams to write down, the details to interpret, the strategic prayers to pray, and no guidance from the Holy Spirit - it is impossible to gain the full revelation of your dream. This process can be daunting for most if exploring it without a practical guide, and this is why Flawed and Free Ministry has put together a guided dream journal to walk you through all the above steps. It includes dream warfare prayers, a bedtime routine, a dream tracker, daily dream journal prompts to discuss with Holy Spirit, and much more. This journal is 250+ pages worth of great revelation, knowledge, and wisdom, given first to Apostle Tyna Johnson from the Holy Spirit and now transmitted to you. Dream journaling will help you go to the next level in Christ. Interpret Dreams with the King today!
“Dream journaling is such a powerful tool that every warrior should have in their arsenal.”
“I have learned so much about dream journaling, in the area of discernment and also in understanding the many ways that the Lord speaks to us.”
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Need more strategic spiritual warfare advice on understanding dreams? Be sure to: check out our podcast to learn how to Understand, Interpret, and Steward Your Dream Life Properly; sign up for our FREE Webinar on Understanding Your Dreams & Visions; and get help interpreting your dreams with our Guided Dream Journal!