Posts in Growing in Christ
How To Bind and Loose In Prayer: Understanding Spiritual Authority

To have authority means to have dominion, power, rule, and reign. This authority can not be stolen unless the believer were to choose to give it away. Where the fire of God burns and words of authority are spoken - death can not stay, and life must come forth. Click to understand more about your spiritual authority PLUS how to bind and loose in prayer.

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Kingdom Finances: Sowing and Reaping

To GIVE financially into the Kingdom is to RECEIVE financially from the Kingdom. Giving should be a primary focus in our lives, because with each discerned gift - we are opening more Kingdom doors and advancing the Kingdom forward. God promises that what we sow, we will also reap. Click to read more about this important principle.

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Under God's Armour - The Importance Of Spiritual Clothing

Spiritual clothing is important to God according to His Word. When spiritual clothing is on consistently, it ultimately protects the gifts, anointings, and purposes that God has put on the inside of each one of us. The armor of God allows us as believers to stand and stand firm in the foundation of Christ and the paths of righteousness. Click to read more!

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What Does It Mean To Give God Your Yes? - Submit & Surrender

Giving God your yes means:

  1. To yoke your faith with the kingdom of God.

  2. To posture your heart, position your mind, and place yourself in a space where you allow the Lord to have his entire way in and through your life.

  3. To believe and receive His divine will and plan for your destiny.

  4. To allow the Holy Trinity: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to refine, define, and align your life with your Kingdom assignment.

  5. To take up your cross daily and walk with Jesus.

Click to learn more!

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Build Intimacy with God: How to keep a dream journal

Dream journaling is the act of recording your dreams and allowing the Holy Spirit to interpret them. In Habakkuk 2:2-3, we see that God tells the prophet to do exactly that. God doesn’t want us to be in limbo or completely surprised by what’s to come, he wants us to understand and prepare with Him as His perfect plan unfolds. He often uses our dreams to expose these plans.

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Are You Ready To Bloom?

Are you ready to carry the FULL weight of what God has called you to do? Blooming is beautiful. It has a pleasant smell and it reveals a radiant glow, but it also comes with responsibilities and a high level of service to others. You will grow and you will glow but can you carry the full weight of your call?

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