Do You Know Why You Dream?

Dreaming is very powerful and important for our lives because as humans, we actually spend at least one third of our lives sleeping. So, it is very normal to dream. But understanding why we dream is even more important. 

We dream because God intends to communicate and have conversations with us through our dreams. The dream life is a spiritual place and it is a very important place to be because even though our bodies need to sleep, our spirits do not sleep. So when we dream , it is an opportunity for God to communicate with us (and us with him). It is in our dream life where God can also give us revelation and impartation.     

However, there are two types of dreams we can have: Dreams from God and dreams from satan. When you have a dream from God, the purpose of the dream is for God to communicate with you. But when you have a dream from satan, the purpose of the dream is to attack or disrupt your life. It is important to know that if the enemy attacks you in your dreams, you have a short amount of time to reject or rebuke that attack from the moment that you wake up. Otherwise, if you do not reject the attack, the attack can happen in your physical life in some way, shape or form.  

As with all things, take your dreams and all questions about them to the Holy Spirit first. He should be your first point of contact and everyone else should be secondary. Remember, the Holy Spirit is the author of wisdom and revelation. So, he will reveal to you what he was trying to communicate to you through your dreams.

Need more strategic spiritual warfare advice? Be sure to check out our podcast to learn how to get your dream life back, heal & realign your life with Christ, heal from spiritual trauma, identify a narcissist