Casting Out Demons: Demon Manifestations - 5 Key Takeaways

  1. Even Demons Believe. (Timestamp 3:23)

  • In James 2:19, the word says that even demons believe only one true God exists. Through deliverance and the casting out of demons, these beasts are exposed and their power is diminished - at the very name of Jesus. 

    “You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that — and shudder,” - James 2:19.

2. Take Authority and Dispossess The Enemy. (Timestamp 6:30)

  • God desires for us to take authority and dispossess the enemy. As sons and daughters of God the Father - we have dominion and power given to us by Christ Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit. This authority is given with the mandate to dispossess and destroy the Kingdom of darkness.  

    “And he called the twelve together and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases,” - Luke 9:1. 

3. Demons Are Afraid Of You. (Timestamp 26:21)

  • When demonic manifestations occur and are recognized during deliverance, some may think it is obvious that a person should be frightened or worried - however, the demons are actually afraid of YOU. 

  • A lot of times when demons are manifesting they will say things like “No” or “Yikes” or throw temper tantrums. Demons react because they are afraid of the believer and what awaits them now that they have been cast out. 

  •  “What have you to do with us, Son of God? Have you come here to torment us before the appointed time?” - Matthew 8:29.

4. The Ministry Of Deliverance Correlates Directly With Healing Trauma. (Timestamp 28:17)

  • How do you get rid of the trauma you’ve been praying to get healed from? Deliverance and a transparent relationship with God are the keys.  

  • Deliverance from demonic oppression allows room for the Holy Spirit to move freely within you. 

  • Maintaining your deliverance and building a strong and transparent relationship with Christ - is how you completely heal from any trauma that may have resulted in the demon having access to your life in the first place.

5. Have You Ever Heard A Demon Cry? (Timestamp 29:58)

  • Demons manifest in all types of ways and one of them is by crying. 

  • Check out this deliverance testimony as she shares her story of the demon crying as it manifested while coming up and out. Click the video below and subscribe to our channel!

Have You Heard A Demon Cry? | Understanding God's Power & Authority Over The Devil in Deliverance


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Have you ever heard a demon cry? Live Tea and Testimony with Taneesha P.


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