Wilderness Season + COVID-19

Do you find yourself losing track of what DAY it is??? I am sure many of us can raise our hand and say YES it happens all the time. Especially with the recent pandemic crisis that we are experiencing currently with COVID-19. The world is “out of sorts” and “out of order” and continues to spiral out of control dependent upon the day. Our routines have been interrupted with the corruption of COVID-19. There is an overall sense of fear, panic and anxiety looming over our nation and it is immensely grieving to our spirits as the infected/ death ratios and rates rise.

More importantly than what day it is, the question is what season are you in? Many of us have entered into a season of WILDERNESS and it is imminently important that we discern what to do and what NOT to do in this time. This will determine what is to come in your life. COVID-19 has taken a toll on the nation spiritually, emotionally, physically and psychologically in every way imaginable. Fear, angst, anxiety, worry, despair and hopelessness have entered the minds and hearts of many in this time. Things have become “out of sorts” and “out of order” our routines have been interrupted with the uncertainty of what has come upon us. Projected timelines that are ever changing and evolving causing further disdain for the unknown.

TIME and SEASON should move to the fore front of all of our minds right NOW. Time should be intentional, purposeful, and valuable at this time. Challenge your mindset and use this time to discover YOU. The YOU god is calling you to be. There is no time to waste on Tik-Toks and frivolous challenges that add nothing to your life. However it will EXTRACT and DISTRACT what you need which is energy , rest , plan and strategy for productivity. Distractions from the enemy can be subtle but designed to delay the plans and purposes of GOD in your life. Even in the uncertainty of where we are in this season, there is still a silver lining. For many this can be perceived as an opportunity to redeem time that has been lost with our hectic schedules, jobs, businesses, careers, and many other things.

I have seen more creativity in this season than ever before. People are actually preparing meals, and sitting at the dinner table with family. I am actually seeing neighbors I have never seen before taking family strolls in the neighborhood engaging with one another. I am seeing people’s financial health being restored, all the money that we have spent on eating out, the overall vanity of our lives with our outward appearances has been temporarily stripped from us. However who has taken the time to restore the inward parts of ourselves. have you considered a moment of self reflection and/ or repentance? Many of us in our self righteousness and self deception will say “I’m good” but are you really good? When your identities through your jobs and the vanities of life have been stripped will you FOLD? Many people are suddenly losing their health and state of well being from this virus in an INSTANT. How many of us DAILY take that for granted?

Take a moment to invest in some self examination and examine your heart and your mindset in this season. Have you taken time for granted? Have you been intentional with your time? Have you been productive with your time? Have you been purposeful with your time? Can you say YES to any of these? If there is any room I suggest that you take a good hard look and seek the face of the LORD for where you are and what is to come?

If you die today where will your soul go???? Seriously? Your philanthrophy won’t gain you access to the kingdom of heaven, your kind works won’t gain you access, your titles won’t gain you access, your titles won’t gain you access, your jobs/ careers won’t gain you access. NONE of these things will do ANYTHING for you because they are all temporal. Place your mind and heart on things that are ETERNAL. You have placed too much into things that will all eventually wither and die to include the fleshly body that you inhabit. Paying millions of dollars in gym memberships that you barely attend ( raising my hand) . Eating out when you have food at home, too lazy to cook a home cooked meal, making excuse after excuse as to WHY we don’t have TIME for a thing all the while murmuring and complaining.

One of the best examples in scripture is the deliverance of the children of Israel out of Egypt and their journey through the wilderness season into the promised land. What was meant to be a short transitional trip roughly a week or so ended up being 40 years. Much like the timelines we are experiencing today huh? One timeline extension after another. WHY??? because of discontentment and disobedience. The children of Israel murmured complained, moaned and groaned despite the provision, and the presence of the Lord. The Lord traveled the journey ahead of them by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night and made provision by providing daily manna (food) and water without them having to even work for it in the wilderness!!!!! Can you believe they STILL complained. Some of you are complaining about working from home but still getting a paycheck, (many are unemployed with NO check at all) some of you are complaining about teaching YOUR children but will sit in a restaurant for hours chatting over brunch with your friends WEEKLY with nothing to show for it. How do I know !! because I have been ONE of these persons at various points in my life even up to recently. Holding the phone for hours for people who want your ear but not your advice. People using you as a dumping ground, trash site. STOP IT!!

WAKE UP !!!!!!!!! if you fail to learn CONTENTMENT in this season you will CONTAMINATE your future. PERIODT

Use this time wisely, seek the face of the Lord, pray, repent, ask the lord to remove and purify all the contentious things that add no value to you and replace them with the blueprint and strategy ordained for YOUR future. SECURE YOUR SALVATION!!!! Time is of the essence and no one knows the day nor the hour. Get your heart right, forgive those that have hurt you, right your wrongs in this season, repent and turn away from the wicked things you cling onto, move into the thing that the Lord is calling you to. Write that book, Hug your children, start that business plan, Call a loved one you haven’t spoke to in years, get your house and heart in order NOW while you have time.

Tune in Wednesday to my newest podcast episode (4/8) that goes further in depth with the wilderness season and the will of God. Go to any of your favorite digital media streaming platforms of your choice ( Apple itunes, Google Play, Spotify, Iheart radio, Soundcloud, Lisbyn) or visit my website directly for updates.

Be blessed yall

Free to be Me…. Flawed and Free