How To Become Your Best Self : A story on self reflection: "Mirror Mirror on the Wall"

Mirror Mirror on the Wall, who is the fairest of them all?? Who remembers this from Snow White? Everyone should be raising their hand its an age old fairytale with tons of symbolism and significance. Recently I was having a deep conversation with my mother about some painful pivots in my life. BUT GOD!!!! What may be hot tea to some is my TESTIMONY. It freed me and my hope is that it will free some of you.

I feel like I been saved my whole life lol. That’s all I needed was just to believe he exists right? Mission COMPLETE! Yeaaaa not so much. I was baptized early at the age of 6 roughly. I knew at a young age that I wanted some of this Jesus I kept hearing about. The buck stopped there though ladies and gentlemen. No sparks, lights, camera, action, special visits from angels none of that. My parents were not spiritually mature and were “going to church” like many of us do. Checking the box of our lives through traditional values and obligation to “live right”.

Fast forward to adulthood I lived a life filled with “doing me”. In my opinion I thought I was doing pretty ok if you measure it against the world’s standards. I became a chameleon of sorts, camouflaging in and out of each season, different environments, in and out of new experiences. Some good, some bad, all meshed together to form the spiritually immature grown woman I became. Chronologically I was an adult but I was still a BABE in Christ on milk with a whole pacifier included. I spent years doing what “felt right” “what seemed right” looking at materials, accomplishments and possessions to measure my success in life. Unaware that I was lost, lost in the world, lost in myself, lost in others, just lost. You couldn't tell me that I didn’t have my ish together though. Tuhhhh.

I thought that if I had the education, the degrees, the big house, husband, and kids that I was good. Boy was I wrong!!!!! This did nothing but confuse me further. I got lost in them and everything OUTSIDE of me looking for INTERNAL validation and self worth. Now I had even MORE to filter through to find myself!

That brings me to this blog! This blog, titled Mirror Mirror on the wall speaks to YOU! LIFE IS YOUR MIRROR! Jesus Christ is the REFLECTION you should see. I remember the season when I got SERIOUS about self reflection and took some long haunting gazes at the mirror, saying some of the same things the evil queen said. WHO AM I ?!WHAT DO I WANT?! WHERE DID I GO WRONG?! WHO DO I ASPIRE TO BE?! WHY DO I FEEL SO UNACCOMPLISHED DESPITE ALL I’VE DONE?! Some of you may be asking yourself similar questions? Remember how mad the evil queen got when the mirror kept showing her Snow White and not herself? Talk about VANITY!!! we’ll save that for another day though. She was pissed like real life pissed all the way to the point in seeking to DESTROY Snow White.

Who do you see? I looked at the mirror and boyyyyy was I surprised at what I really saw. A distorted illusion is what I saw I was DECEIVED the enemy deceived me into believing I was what I was NOT. Some of us are deceived not by the lies the devil tells us but the HALF-TRUTHS. Still a LIE nonetheless. The mirror is God. I started to ask God “mirror” the very same questions I asked earlier. As I surrendered ME, the Lord began to download scripture in my spirit. I recall Genesis 1:27 NKJV “So God created man in his own image; in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” I was like yeahhhh nahhh I know I don’t represent you, look like you none of DAT (extreme self- condemnation), I went down the laundry list of EVERYTHING wrong with me and why I was NOT created in his image. BUT GOD!! Since I couldn’t face ME I decided on FIXING things around me. That seemed easier to deal with. Initially It was about everything BUT ME. I justified a lot. I said things like “this is not that bad” “I’ve seen worse” “ At least I’m not like “so -in-so” , yeah the rationalizing talks went on and on.

The more I forced myself to stand in front of the mirror, the more it broke me down; but God didn’t leave me there he built me back up.(insert shout right there). I faced some harsh realities, I told myself the TRUTH about me as I surrendered and allowed God to reveal them to me. Whewwww you talk about some ugly crying moments. The people I had to apologize to, the apologies I had to make to myself!!!! whewwwwww. Guess what though??? The more I forced these character building sessions with the Lord, the image in front of me started to DISSOLVE. Right hand to GOD lol I saw less and less of me and more of HIM, who he created me to be!!!!! Insert * a wailing shout* right here. LOOK AT GOD!

God DELIVERED me from “me” and I am now a new creature in Christ the old has passed away. 2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

What about you? Have you taken time to truly self reflect, look at the “man in the mirror” cue the late great MJ* Remove the block of vanity, selfish desires, self will, and exchange it for God’s perfect will. I promise you it’s worth it!

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