Flawed & Free’s Path to Purpose

little by little, God began to send helping hands

“When God first gave me the vision for Flawed & Free I was at a loss for words. How in the world was I supposed to do this? Launch a multi-arm holistic health business, non-profit organization, and deliverance ministry to serve His people all over the world. I thought to myself, ‘Lord, I’m only one person!’ But that is when, little by little, God began to send helping hands.”


We are funded, supported, and uplifted by every one of you

“God sent Freedom Fighters that would not only be blessed by this ministry, but would freely volunteer their time, talents, and resources to help build the vision God gave me. I am so grateful to every one of you who have participated in our community events, referred people to our ministry, and continued to support what God is doing at Flawed & Free. We are truly funded, supported, and uplifted by every one of you.”


Support those who come to Flawed & Free for deliverance, healing, community, and discipleship.

“God is doing a MIGHTY work here at Flawed & Free, and we have received countless testimonies of those who have found their path to purpose after receiving deliverance here in this ministry. Help us continue to make a difference in their lives by becoming a partner. We truly appreciate your generous support!” - Apostle Tyna


Our Strategic Goals

  • Our comprehensive deliverance and healing process is the primary way we serve our community, and it is 100% free. We desire to continue providing the best possible in-person and virtual support for the deliverance, healing, and discipleship of God's people.

  • Flawed & Free serves a growing community of Freedom Fighters from around the globe. We want to continue using our current platforms and systems to host online events for our community members who don't live in the DFW area.

  • Flawed & Free is based in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, and we desire to organize and host in-person outreach events like: prayer in the park, toy and clothing donation drives, and local community meet-ups.